An Integrative Approach to
Leadership, Design, & Planning

Speed & complexity aren't going anywhere. And the more they snowball, the more we need to become better strategic thinkers, leaders, collaborators, designers, planners, and partners.  

Three well-tested design steps, tailored to your social-profit's specific circumstances, will ensure everyone in your organization has the strategic information & collaborative culture they need to take on the myriad of challenges they face every day –– together.  

I believe that our very survival depends upon us becoming better systems thinkers
— Meg Wheatley

Your Vision

A powerful Shared Strategic Vision process asks six questions that when considered together, will articulate your social-profit's core business. 

Answers will fit on one page, and will quickly become a shared touchstone for effective analysis, idea-sharing, debate, decision-making, & innovation.


Design & Align
Your Operations

With your Strategic Vision in place, everyone involved will enjoy a shared understanding of the design elements required to make well considered, helpful operating decisions.   

Five areas of operations & policy are key to success. These areas can be prioritized, tailored, and accomplished as time & circumstance permit.


Your Planning

Great strategic planning builds prepared minds, hearts, and relationships. If your annual planning process has turned into a dog and pony show, stop it!  

Consistent, user-friendly strategic planning frameworks paired with generative dialogue sessions simplify and teach strategic (holistic) thinking and foster the timely sharing of intentions, ideas, and  resources. 


The result? 

An awesome culture of well-informed, creative individuals ready to work together to dramatically advance your Shared Strategic Vision.  


A Resource for your Organization


My dreams for this site are that it become a valuable resource for your organization. I want to share my 25 years of experience with you. etc.