Design & Align Your Operations

Which comes first:  A well-designed organization or a highly collaborative one?  Trick Question.  You can’t have one without the other.  

To design a social-profit organization that will attract and retain creative, engaged people, a highly collaborative culture is required.  And to sustain a highly collaborative, creative culture, your organization must be well designed to empower colleagues to grow their skills and run with their ideas while working together effectively. 

It’s a tall order.  

And immensely doable if you have a Shared Strategic Vision to act as everyone's touchstone while deliberately working together to create a collaborative culture capable of bringing it to life every day.

How well you manage to design & integrate the following crucial areas of your operations –– to align with your Shared Strategic Vision ––  will have a major impact on how well everyone works together to achieve your intended results.

  1.  Shared Strategic Vision
  2.  Aligned Governance & Leadership Practices
  3.  Structure & Responsibilities 
  4.  Programs, Services, & Systems 
  5.  Strategic Fund Development
  6.  Integrative Strategic Planning

I’ll say more about these areas in later posts, but for now, suffice to say: how carefully each one of these fundamental disciplines is designed and aligned with your Shared Strategic Vision -- and integrated with one another -- will have a significant impact on your organization's culture, health, and social-profit results.